Tag Archives for " fracture "

Sesamoid Fracture – an interesting case – treatment

The case of the sesamoid fracture that I referred to the other day, has had an interesting development. You will have read that we ended up using an Aircast below knee walker. Unfortunately this was only successful for about one day. By the end of the day the pain was increasing.

I advised my patient to get advice from an orthopaedic surgeon who I know. The advice was really simple! Wear thick-soled soft trainers and take pain-killers until it is better. (Obviously only take the pain-killers as often as really necessary). This will allow normal movement – remember this condition is not treated by immobilisation in a cast – but not over use.

So what’s the lesson here? Simple treatments are often the most effective. Never ignore foot pain in the ball of your foot. Have it accurately diagnosed – it might be a sesamoid fracture.