May is World Foot Health Awareness Month
The International Fedaration of Podiatrists, headquartered in Paris, France, has declared May to be World Foot Health Awareness Month. I join them in calling the attention of the public and health care providers to the importance of good foot and ankle care. It’s time for all South Africans to stop and take a look at their feet!
The importance of good foot health and the role played by the podiatrist cannot be overstated, since, most South Africans will develop some foot or ankle problem during their lifetime. World Foot Health Awareness Month is a marvellous opportunity to stop and consider the value and importance of our feet.
Winter is nearly here and we will be spending more time in closed shoes. Do last year’s boots really still fit? Are they going to cause pressure calluses?
Don’t wait for your foot problem to become severe. Remember that the average person takes about 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day and while you’re walking, your feet are taking a pounding; often enduring more than your body weight with each step.
As part of World Foot Health Awareness Month 2009, there is a special focus on Diabetes and the Diabetes Health Care Team. In support of this initiative, the South African Diabetic Foot Working Group (DFWG), will be presenting free patient-oriented symposia nationwide.
30th May. Contact: Andrika Symington: 012 548 9499
9th May.Contact: Anne Berzen 072 342 9558
13th June. Contact: Dr Willem de Kock 082 379 6231
to be confirmed. Contact: Dr Paruk 031 241000-ask for speed dial
to be confirmed. Watch this space!
These symposia will offer a unique opportunity for people with diabetes and their families to ask questions of the members of the health team directly involved in foot care.