Foot Fit for Voting?

Are you ‘foot fit’ for voting? On Wednesday of this week South Africans go to the polls to elect a new government. Foot fitness could be important since the process can involve many hours of extra standing or walking.

Here are a few tips to help you through the day!

Try to get a lift to the polling station – this reduces the walking you have to do.
Take a folding chair or sit on the ground if your feet start to ache.
Wear comfortable shoes with thicker soles – trainers or lace ups are best, because they can be loosened if your feet and ankles start to swell.
Don’t stand in one position for too long – move from foot to foot, wriggle your ankles up and down to keep the circulation going.
Bend gently from the knees up and down a few times.

If you have diabetes and reduced sensation take extra care that you don’t rub a blister from your shoes.

Start talking to the people around you – it helps to pass the time!
(Try to avoid talking politics!).

Have something to eat before you go to vote. (Voting on an empty stomach is as risky as shopping on an empty stomach!).

Sometime it’s a good idea to go later to the polling station, since everyone wants to get there early!

Above all do vote. Remember that it is a Public Holiday, so rush home and put your feet up.


Andrew has taught at the University as well as providing podiatry services in South Africa since 1977. Twice chair of the Podiatry Association of South Africa and a commentator on care of your feet on both radio and television he now works in private practice in Cape Town and Hout Bay.

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