When did you last have a Holiday?
I had forgotten how well you can feel just by taking some time off. Having just spent 10 days away from the practice I feel really good and ready for anything. I have just asked my colleague’s patient when last did he have a holiday? His reply? “Holiday is a swear word.”
My colleague also says she hasn’t had a holiday in along time and needs to get away. The Eastern Free State and then the Drakensberg is beautiful in the Autumn. (Before I went away, our receptionist had resigned, the ADSL line had been out of order for 10 days and I hurt my back!)
However, it only takes a few days for reality to hit back in the practice. A patient of ours with diabetes and a history of ulcers, returned after an absence of two years because she had a problem. Some problem too!
An ulcerated bunion joint with a massive swelling and a local skin temperature of 37 Celsius. She said it happened just a few days ago after the foot began to swell. Unfortunately the skin damage was so severe that I decided that the best plan was to admit the lady for a full work up of blood tests, wound swabs and X-rays, plus the opinion of the diabetic foot team, but she requested to go to the local State hospital the following day!
This cavalier approach to diabetes and its complications is being researched as a probable additional complication of diabetes. The behaviour changes possibly being the effect of damage to the central nervous system.
Don’t delay that holiday.