Best Foot Forward? We Have Moved!

No communication for 2 months is atrocious blogging form. I suddenly lost the ability to be creative or informative.Then we had World Cup Rugby – we all know who won that – then there was the news that my rooms were to be relocated at the beginning of November. Plus my inability to beat the technology that will publish a whole raft of foot health pages – look for those elsewhere – I’m still battling.

Now, it is a well known fact that on the ‘human stressometer’ moving house, marriage, divorce & having a baby enter your life, all register HIGH. So imagine how we feel in the practice as we only started to move about 4 hours ago! ( Yes, it is December). Hopefully tomorrow will see the boxes & equipment safely shifted and we can unpack easly. Also throw out accumulated clutter! Add to this Telkom’s helpful contribution of only connecting the phone again on 20 December!

Anyway the blow has been softened by the arrival of a free pair of Crocs!!! The label says Beach, Pearl White.They are really comfortable, but they do stink, (yes, I mean stink) of rubber, I wonder how long that will last? I am wearing them around the house with socks (very Touristy), I’ll try barefoot later.

Sadly, I am not the only podiatrist on the move. At least I am only going across the road, I know of young colleagues who are on their way to Canada and Australia and others who are finding it difficult to succeed in private practice in the current economic climate. 

 However a weekend in Hout Bay visiying my granddaughter will be the ideal antidote.


Andrew has taught at the University as well as providing podiatry services in South Africa since 1977. Twice chair of the Podiatry Association of South Africa and a commentator on care of your feet on both radio and television he now works in private practice in Cape Town and Hout Bay.

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